Spark My Muse

Spark My Muse

Hello to Hope? [SSL74]

May 17, 2017

In times of turmoil, HOPE can be hard to find. Hope might even seem senseless to have. Why hope for something only to have that hope dashed? I have a response to that.

Today, with a reflection and a poignant excerpt from author and poet, Pádraig Ó Tuama's beautiful book "In the Shelter: Finding a Home in the World" I will reveal why having, keeping, sharing, and encouraging Hope is not a waste.

SHOW NOTES will have details links to related to Pádraig and how to find this book. ( The direct link is here: )Join in to sponsor the show to get show notes (and much more) at [Included are show notes for this entire calendar month, plus all previous episodes as well. What a deal! What's in your wallet? A dollar to sponsor that show; that's what!] Thank you for listening and supporting Spark My Muse. It means a lot to me.

Enjoy the program today.

• A whole 2017 summer line up is coming that is FABULOUS! Spark My Muse does NOT go on vacation, but you can take Spark My Muse on vacation with YOU!

Will you help me spread the word?
