Spark My Muse

Spark My Muse

Eps 97: Art and Communion at the Story Table, guest Michael Wright

February 01, 2017

"Loneliness is the end result of not being fully connected and present with other human beings and myself," says Michael Wright, who is my guest today.

Today, I am making good on my commitment to bring more of the arts into my programming this year. I want to dig deeply into the words and ideas of thoughtful people that are writers, poets, musicians, and creators–Michael Wright covers much of this territory and this episode is full of gems.

Michael (MA is Theology and the Arts) is the Associate Editor for FULLER Studio and magazine. Our conversation is rich and deep and includes details of Michael's difficult journey with bipolar II (including his two serious bouts of mania that helped him understand the nature of his mental illness); and the consequences which still hinder his his ability to create music and poetry (as of January 2017).

We also talk about the life-giving occasions called "Story Table" hosted by FULLER Studio which offer a dynamic but loosely guided time of sharing conversation, personal stories on specific themes and shared in a vital way. (Videos of these encounters are available to watch and include themes such as reconciling race, hospitality, women, restoration, and more. Also with the videos is a free guide to encourage "Story Table" in your own home, school, church setting, or community. Show notes have links to all these resources, if you miss the contact information given Michael.)

Additionally, Michael reads some short and remarkable poetry (by three different well-known poets). These pieces have been cherished companions to him along the way through loneliness, pain, confusion, depression, mania, and all the in-betweens of life.

Be sure to get the Show Notes if you want QUICK access to the many links to the people, books, keywords/ideas, websites and much more mentioned in the episode. Those will be at (They cost just $1 - per month. Your contribution unlocks show notes each week (and all previous show notes too). WOW. Seriously. I know...what a crazy good deal!)

- - THANK YOU to everyone who has sent in handwritten letters (hear episode SSL67 #FebFREEDOM, if you missed it, for information about that). It's amazing to read them. If you'd like to slow down and send me a handwritten letter - mail it to Lisa DeLay c/o Ovation Enterprises 49 S. 2nd Street, Cressona PA 17929, USA

-- - - - BIG ANNOUNCEMENT- - - - EARLY BIRD Tickets to the SOUL SCHOOL FIELD TRIP weekend getaway - July 28-30th, 2017- ARE HERE!

Get information OR tickets here (very limited space available - Early Bird offer ends in April.)

- - - - LAST CALL! - - Need a shinny new coffee mug, or t-shirt, or hoodie to cloth your nakedness or impress your friends? - Then snag your "Analog Strong" design items before they disappear VERY SOON - Feb 5. (it's the perfect way to show the world that you're not JUST digitally savvy - but savvy offline too!) These are collector's items for sure, my darlings!

May you enjoy the show and pass it along.
ALSO -- please write an iTunes review.

HOW DO YOU DO THAT? you ask. Easy-peasy! 1) Just go to the iTunes main page (on the phone it's in the podcast app, or on your computer it's in iTunes); 2) then do a plain old SEARCH for the show (Spark My Muse); 3) then click "Reviews"; 4) then click "Write Review"- It's that EASY!) - (It takes about 2-4 minutes total.)
