Spark My Muse

Spark My Muse

Soul School-Lesson 58: How to Be with Other Humans

November 16, 2016

Among younger people (Under 25?) and isolated people, the digital world and technology has provided a sense of friendship and connection, but in reality these touch points bear little resemblance to real life connections, conversations, intimacy, and challenges of face-to-face and life-to-life bonds that used to be commonplace.

This episode is a kind of primer for how to engage (to re-engage if you've gotten rusty) with other humans in the most vital –though messy and inconvenient–ways that result in powerfully transformative and meaningful ways of living.

The challenge is to put ease aside and accept other humans with all their frailties, even when they cease to amuse us. This is something technology trains us not to do and we must unlearn this.

Thank you for joining me today. I'd love to hear your input.
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