Spark My Muse
Soul School - Lesson 55: Quicksand of Cynicism (and a Homage to Maria Popova)
The smartest people can become so cynical. I had been thinking about this sour disposition and the temptation to see the world as lost and terrible when I came upon Maria Popover's inspiring post "10 Lessons of Learn in 10 Years of Brain Pickings". It spurred me to do a Soul School as a reading of her 10th Lesson learned and my own reflection on the topic of cynicism. I hope you find that it gives you a big boost when the world seems bad, and much too dark, deadly and full of doom.
Check out the SHOW NOTES at to connect to Maria's fantastic article and send Maria (her Twitter handle is @brainpicker ) a shout out of congratulations for 10 amazing years and please ALSO ask her to Spark OUR muse on this show as my guest!!! #SPARKGUEST
Follow me on TWITTER @lisadelay too.
Thanks for listening, sharing, and be encouraged to be a SPARK of resilient hope in the world every chance you get.