Spark My Muse

Spark My Muse

Soul School - Lesson 54: What is the Meaning of Life (Series Finale)

October 19, 2016

Part 4 of reading, explanation, and reflection on the ONLY text of the Ancient Near-East that responds to the question, "What is the meaning of life?"

In this episode is the conclusion of the series and shows the parallel of the conclusion of the text to the beginning of the text and draws a few final reflections. Thank you for joining in on this series. If you missed any, please begin at Lesson 50.

This short series unpacks ancient wisdom text in a new way and includes a reading of Ecclesiastes translated by the late biblical scholar, archeologist, and language translator Dr David A. Dorsey. What you hear might surprise you regarding the context and pragmatic nature of this work, but above all you will get a sense for the importance of living the life we have right now.

Will you connect with me and give me some feedback if you like this series?
TWITTER: @lisadelay
INSTA: @lisacolondelay

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