Spark My Muse

Spark My Muse

Soul School Lesson 38 - Unconventional Thoughts on Suicide and Depression

June 29, 2016

If you’ve ever felt completely alone or backed into a corner with no way out, it’s likely that you’ve thought about ending your life. Suffering, brain chemistry, very dark moods, depression, despair, can bring us to this point. Often, we are loath to admit that these thoughts have come to us. We feel afraid to admit such a thing. Yet, in our silence, we remain more alone than ever.

Today’s show is a few things: it’s quite personal; it’s quite unconventional in its revelations; and it’s a beacon to you if you feel lost, alone, despairing, or afraid. Depressive mood and dark times are a human reality. They signal that we are ALIVE and that we need each other. Don’t wander off to wither or die alone. Come back, stay, and let’s do this together. It’s the only way. Life is so terribly hard sometimes, but we can help each other. We can find a way.

This show is for you now, or in the future. It’s for your friend, now, or in the future. We will all find our ring of hell at some point. Thanks for listening and passing this along.

To speak with someone trained to help, right now, in the U.S.A. call 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255). Or visit

Soul School comes out each Wednesday. Each Friday Spark My Muse hosts a guest conversation.

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-Visit the podcast website for detailed show notes, links, and extras

With love,