Spark My Muse

Spark My Muse

Eps 65: The Myth of the "Lone Genius" - CS Lewis expert Dr Diana Glyer

June 10, 2016

"The Hollywood construct of “lone creative genius” is highly abnormal and unhealthy.” says today’s guest, Dr. Diana Glyer. She is the world's foremost scholar on The Inklings–the rigorous writer’s critique group that galvanized the work of CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien and 15 other men during a 17 year period in Oxford, England. For 20 years, Glyer documented the dairy entires, numerous letters and notes, and document revisions of the work of the all Inklings to see how The Inklings' collaboration, encouragement, and critique shaped their work. This was published in her book “The Company They Keep". Her book “Bandersnatch” pulls together some of the best stories from that work and gives readers a map of how to apply the Inklings' wisdom and ways into their own creative work and use collaboration to its fullest power. This fantastic episode is a must-hear from anyone who makes things and wants to improve. How does the creative process work best? The same way all things work best when humans are involved and she gives some very specific practical advice too. Listen in and find out!

VERY useful show notes have links to all the books and people mentioned. Find those at main site: Or directly:

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