Spark My Muse

Spark My Muse

Soul School - Lesson 25 - Why you are craving STABILITY

March 30, 2016

Deconstruction and Reconstruction is a lifelong process.
After a season of growth and rebirth, things CHANGE and that means you will CRAVE stability and a return to "normal"–even if normal is bad. Today, is about all that and what to do about it. I wish I had known this 20 years ago!!

Visit to get other episodes and info for PART II to this lesson, Lesson 25. (A Video lesson + Printout -it's part of Varsity Club perks). Or go straight to and watch it and print it, right away as a patron.

Each Wednesday (mid-week or "hump day") is Soul School. Each Friday is a special guest conversation. Tune in, tell your friends and leave notes on your enemies' windshields signed "Listen to –God". (Unless you think that's going too far, which it is.)

Thanks for sticking me in your ears. It's a special place and I'm grateful. Did that sound weird? Good. It's March Madness. That's how I roll.

If you haven't left a review on iTunes that would be really nice of you and it will count as a good deed. Thanks for helping out with that. I can't write them myself. It would be very naughty AND time-consuming.

Enjoy your day!