Spark My Muse

Spark My Muse

Soul School - Lesson 21: A Test of Your Faith

March 02, 2016

Today for my Wednesday Soul School, Lesson 21, besides the usual audio, I offer you a FREE glimpse into the extras normally reserved for Varsity Club members only. After you listen to the podcast go to for Lesson 21 and click on the link to watch the companion video lesson and bonus worksheet I made that goes into a deeper dive and enjoy a peek into what Varsity Club has to offer. If you enjoy it, you may want to support the show and get in on the extras every single week.

- Supporting the show defrays the costs of producing it all and helps out SO very much. Creating the extras is my way of saying "thank you" for helping out to those who are most avid friends and fans. So much love. It's great to be a part of this sort of community.

Join me again on Friday for the guest episode I do each week- This time (3/5/2016) with Jeff Sandquist of the "Intentionally Wandering podcast" where we discuss making life simpler and more meaningful.

It's a joy to know you are listening. Spark My Muse is heard in 147 countries. That just blows my mind. wow. Thanks everyone.

If you get any enjoyment out of hearing what I've created will you please help by sharing it with a friend or leaving a helpful 2-3 sentence review on iTunes so more people find out what's happening in this tiny corner of the "interwebs"? Thank you so much.
