Spark My Muse
EPS 50: The Amazing Story of Bruce Van Horn
Bruce Van Horn encourages millions of people offering them new perspectives on life and overcoming adversity through his best selling book “Worry No More”, his podcast “Life is a Marathon” and his steady stream of often retweeted online posts. Through his own hard-fought battles of disappointments and losses he came to a point of change, become a marathon runner and started turning his whole life around. After his transformation, end-stage cancer struck and something went terrible wrong during his operation –that’s when he learned his biggest lesson ever and he shares it with us today. Hear his amazing story and be inspired!
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Bonus material includes goodies like a video lesson, a worksheet with questions to reflect on, reading recommendations, and other resources you’ll enjoy, and more. It’s called VARSITY CLUB (I’m playing of the school theme. You follow?) Sign up for Varsity Club and help support the podcast at the same time at -OR find the link in the show notes of the specific lesson.
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