Spark My Muse

Spark My Muse

Soul School - Lesson 12 (Starting NEW-symbols and the brain) - Spark My Muse

December 30, 2015

I'm wishing you a Happy New Year! The SHOW-NOTES at will have the essential links to the studies and resources mentioned, plus some eye-opening videos you'll want to see.

Most people ditch their healthy diet and weight loss resolutions super quickly, but some interesting studies show just what is possible when your perception shifts. But, today I want to show you why and how you can do certain things for positive change and improvement. Hope is here. Not vain hope. Hope based on evidence. Come to Soul School.

Be sure to check it out the website show-notes and do your homework, my dear pupils!

New episodes are released twice-weekly.
WEDNESDAYS - shorter Soul School lessons
FRIDAYS - longer conversational episodes with guests

Help me start the year off right! Please leave a helpful review for a would-be listener on iTunes, yes? Just a sentence or two is just fine.

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