Spark My Muse

Spark My Muse

Growing up in the Digital Century (guest convo): [SSL79] - Spark My Muse

July 26, 2017

Being a teenager has always been a challenging time in a person's life, but never before has a generation been deluged with the amount of connectivity, information, media, content, and digital influences and interruptions as they are now. This new way of being and interacting in the world has shaped every aspect of this generations lives and development.

Their concerns and attitudes seem strikingly different than previous generations. They cannot (and could never) absorb all the information and content that comes their way. How to they cope and sort it out? What do they find most difficult? What is it like for them? These are the leaders and shapers of tomorrow. In ten to fifteen years, this large group of people, who have never known anything other using a smartphone (a computer you carry everywhere to solve all sorts of problems) to get through life, will be coping with the challenges of our time. How well will this work?

Conversations, like this one today, are the type I hope to have more often and in greater depth with the 21st Century generation. Your engagement is critical too; not just with this episode, but with the younger people in your life, in your neighborhood, and in your family–on a regular basis.

Thank you for supporting the work I do, by listening and giving when you can. Go to to donate any amount to help out (PayPal or credit card) and sign up for my newsletter (I send out something once or twice a month).

Show Notes this week also have a Conversation Guide you can use to start interacting with younger people. Think of it as a "Soul School Assignment" and ask for their help. Direct link:

You will truly get a sense that this group is unlike the so-called "Millennials" (who did not have access to smart phones until later in their development.) "Millennial" of course is a rather artificial marketing/branding term people have adopted. Nevertheless, it is an important to see the group distinction for yourself and understand how growing up 100% smart phone digital has changed so much for this group.

This 21st Century group, now coming of age, needs specific kinds of help from us. The kinds that they cannot find elsewhere–even though many worlds of information are, technically speaking, right at their fingertips.

ALSO-This is a wonderful generation of people with a lot of potential. They tend to be helpful and generous in ways that may surprise you. You might have to text them to get the ball rolling. They might be easily distracted, and not be used to having typical conversations in person like you might used to. They might not be used to *deeply* encountering what they think or why, but they love to connect and engage, usually. Consider it worth your efforts to connect because a better future depends on it.

Enjoy this episode and reach out!
warm regards,