Spark My Muse

Spark My Muse

Soul School-Lesson 62: Finding Comfort and Joy - Spark My Muse

December 14, 2016

I define JOY as sturdy happiness. It's not dependent on circumstances because its roots go deeper. Though JOY is often a common Christmas / Advent theme ("Joy to the World", etc), it's nice to have more of it throughout the year, and finding that fuel is what I'll talk about today. Whether you are enjoying a lot of joy in you life right now and can spare some for some people who need a bit more, or whether you are having trouble finding enough, this episode is for you.

Thank you for listening in today. By-the-minute show notes can be found at or via a link at the website page for Soul School Lesson 62 at - The cost is $1 (per month). This gets you show notes for the whole month of episodes. To send a Christmas gift my way. go to and click the PayPal button. That will go a LONG WAY to keep the show going and spread JOY!

Find me on Twitter: @lisadelay
