Spark My Muse
Eps 78 - Guest, Peter Rollins on Lacking the Lack, Fighting Ghosts, and Reveling in the Raveling - Spark My Muse
This is a most insightful and delightful conversation as you will find. Peter Rollins is a provocative writer, philosopher, storyteller and public speaker who has gained an international reputation for overturning traditional notions of religion and forming communities that do the technology of theology: liturgy. Through parables, seminars, and transformational art, Peter's work reveals something disruptive–like a prophet might: that we can’t be satisfied, that life is difficult, that we can be freed from the tyranny of the pursuit of happiness, and that God is that which we find in the act of loving itself.
::TOPICS COVERED:: Pints and Parables, Irish Pub culture, IKON, memento mori and reveling in the raveling, ghosts and hauntings, his array of upcoming events and free material, The Divine Magician, the lack of lack, jogging in LA, and a deep dive into more. ::SHOW NOTES:: Be sure to stop for special photos, website and book links and other related link, video embeds, relegated audio, and all sort of goodies that greatly enhance this episode.
::::HOW THE SHOW IS FUNDED:::: Listeners who appreciate the topics, guests and my efforts donate to help fund the show. A PAYPAL donate button is in the show notes at (or on the @lisadelay Twitter profile - hey please follow me!) OR support monthly, starting at $1, $5, or $10 and get insider treats and extras! Thanks for being awesome listeners. Spark My Muse is heard in 160 countries and is sponsored at 3 times the normal sponsor rate- WHY? Because YOU are awesome! Thank you so much for the love!
Enjoy this episode!