Spanish Grammar Review

Latest Episodes
The Spanish Verbs Traer and Llevar
In this audio lesson, we practice when to use the Spanish verbs TRAER and LLEVAR. TRAER is used to say "to bring" and LLEVAR is used to say "to bring" or "to take." Unlike their English counterparts, the Spanish verbs TRAER and LLEVAR imply a certain ...
Giving Directions in Spanish Within a Hospital
This free Spanish audio lesson introduces the "Giving Directions in Spanish" series at As requested by Bien, a listener, we will practice giving directions in Spanish within a hospital.F
Spanish Prepositions – Por vs Para
Do you know when to use POR vs PARA? Spanish Grammar Audio Quiz Today's podcast is a quiz on the Spanish prepositions POR y PARA. It kicks off a series of audio lessons that will cover these two prep
Grammar from Folk Medicine Interview
This podcast reviews some of the grammar points covered during an interview I did for the Medical Spanish Podcast. I interviewed folk healer Francisco Chavajay while studying at the San Pedro Spanish
Quedar y Quedarse – I am back with a quiz!
Spanish Grammar Audio Quiz This is my first free podcast since September and my first free grammar podcast for over a year! As many of you know I host two podcasts: the Spanish Grammar Review and the
Subjunctive Quiz #5
Are you ready to take on some advanced Spanish grammar? This audio quiz reviews the material covered in thefollowing premium audio lessons. Subjunctive 15 - Conditional (If then ) Statements Abou
Quiz # 4 – The Subjunctive in Adverbial Clauses
This audio lesson is a quiz on the use of the subjunctive in adverbial clauses. It reviews the material covered in the following premium lessons. Subjunctive 10 and 11 – Conjunctions that Require the Subjunctive (e.g. a menos que,
Quiz # 3 – The Subjunctive in Adjective Clauses
This podcast is a quiz that reviews the subjunctive in adjective clauses, covered in the premium podcasts: Subjunctive 7 and 8. A subordinate adjective clause describes a noun or pronoun in the main clause of a sentence.
Quiz #2 – The Subjunctive in Noun Clauses
Do you know when to use the subjunctive in Noun Clauses? If not, you’ve come to the right place. Learn to identify the noun clause in a sentence and then when to use the subjunctive vs the indicative within the noun clause.
The Subjunctive in Noun Clauses
In the premium series covering the subjunctive at, we just finished covering when to use the subjunctive in subordinate noun clauses. This podcast reviews what we’ve covered. Listen closely. There’s a quiz at the end! :-)