Spanish Grammar Review

Bruises, Cuts, Ruptures, Breaks, Tears, and Sprains
I am back with Rory Foster for an interactive lesson focused on discussing injuries in Spanish. This lesson builds upon one of Rory's lessons at Common Ground International. In this lesson, we practice talking about bruises, cuts, ruptures, breaks, tears, and sprains. We will first present a verb, a noun, and an adjective that all share the same root. Then, we will use this vocabulary in phrases as we discuss these different types of injuries.
A big shout out to La Comunidad's teachers, Nelly from Colombia, Gloria from Mexico, and Daniela from Mexico, for reviewing the phrases in this lesson.
All Access or Premium Medical Members: Access full show notes, download PDF, and take the quiz within the Spanish for Emergencies Course.
Premium Grammar Members: Download PDF.
Table of Contents- Moretones 3:54
- Quemaduras 6:21
- Cortadas 8:45
- Desgarros / Desgarres 10:25
- Roturas 13:22
- Torceduras 14:55
- Cierre 16:20
Before you go, don't forget to check out Common Ground International's Spanish Immersion Trips to Latin America!
Rory and I will continue our review of injuries in a member lesson on scrapes, dislocations, swelling, bites, stings, and more. Become a member, and get this lesson via our Premium Medical Spanish Podcast feed this weekend.
¡Gracias por escuchar!
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