Spanish Grammar Review

The Spanish Verbs Traer and Llevar
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Sample DialogueDirection Implied with Llevar and TraerSituation 1 – Bring Your Books to ClassSituation 2 – I Brought the Dog to the VetSituation 3 – Bring Me the ReportThe Reflexive Verb LLEVARSEConjugate the Irregular Verb TRAERWant to learn more?Member?Leave a comment!
Kate TownsendIn this audio lesson, we practice when to use the Spanish verbs TRAER and LLEVAR. TRAER is used to say “to bring” and LLEVAR is used to say “to bring” or “to take.” Unlike their English counterparts, the Spanish verbs TRAER and LLEVAR imply a certain direction of movement. This can be a bit confusing for non-native Spanish speakers. Pero no pasa nada. After listening to this audio Spanish lesson packed with examples, you’ll know exactly when to use TRAER and when to use LLEVAR.But wait! There’s more! After we pin down when to use TRAER vs LLEVAR, we’ll focus on the reflexive verb LLEVARSE and then practice conjugating the irregular verb TRAER in the present and preterite tenses.Sample Dialogue0:55 Skip to the Sample DialogueMolly (M) está en la sala de estar y Aaron (A) está en la cocina.M: ¿Me traes una cerveza?A: Cómo no. Te la llevo.(Aaron va a la sala de estar y ahora está con Molly en la sala de estar.)A: Aquí tiene. ¿Te traigo algo más?M: Gracias mi amor. ¿Me traes un sandwich?(Aaron regresa a la cocina.)A: Te lo llevo enseguida.Direction Implied with Llevar and Traer2:27 Skip to ExplanationLLEVARLlevar is used when you are taking something from your current location to another location. Llevar often translates as “to take” in English.If I’m in the cocina and my husband is in the sala de estar, how would I say, “I’ll bring it to you”?Te lo llevo.TRAERTraer is used when you are bringing something to your current location. Traer usually translates as “to bring” in English.If I’m in the living room with my husband, how would I say, “I’ll bring it to your”?Te lo traigo.Situation 1 – Bring Your Books to Class3:48 Skip to Situation 1(En clase)Profesora: Por favor, traigan sus libros a clase mañana.(En casa)Estudiante: Llevo mi libro a clase hoy.Situation 2 – I Brought the Dog to the Vet4:28 Skip to Situation 2A husband is talking to his wife. They are both at home.Llevé al perro al veterinario ayer.Y cuando llegué, vi que nuestro vecino había traído a su perro también.Situation 3 – Bring Me the Report5:10 Skip to Situation 3(En la oficina) Two colleagues are at work. Colleague A goes up to the desk of colleague B and asks….A: ¿Tienes el informe que te traje ayer?B: No. Lo llevé a casa.A: ¿Me lo traes mañana?(Colega B en casa) Colleague B says to her husband…B: Tengo que llevar este informe al trabajo mañana.6:19 OJO: When you could use “take” instead of “bring,” use LLEVAR.The Reflexive Verb LLEVARSE6:40 Skip to LLEVARSELLEVARSE – to take away, to take with you.When you notice your purse (cartera) is missing….Alguien se la llevó.