Space Spinner 2000

Space Spinner 2000

Collection 30 – Sláine: The Horned God

September 22, 2021

Kiss my axe! It’s the thirtieth in our series of Space Spinner 2000 collections! These collections have all of our coverage for a specific character or storyline, all in one place. They’re a great accompaniment to reading collected versions of 2000AD, or to just hear your favorite thrill all in one place.

The Horned god has earned a heap of accolades, and I don’t think it too many. It’s the most modern story we’ve collected, taking place entirely in the post-episode 200s, but is so well known that there was really no choice but to collect it as soon as possible. The Horned God is a complex mix of heroic journey, pagan mysticism, meditations on man and womanhood, and critique of the modern comic publishing industry, all combined with amazing visuals that will stick with you for years to come and set the course for a generation of comic artists. as a fantasy story Sláine sticks out from other thrills in 2000AD, and with the horned god, it does so in all the best ways. Grab your dwarf, it’s time to get adventuring!

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Song: Spirits of the Future by roughNX (find them at