Space Spinner 2000

Space Spinner 2000

Big Meg One – Primer 4 – Judge Anderson

August 20, 2020

In the fourth mega episode of our Judge Dredd Megazine Primer series Eli and Conrad are looking at some classic Dredd adventures to learn more about the Lawman of the Future.  we’re talking about one of Judge Dredd’s greatest allies, and his direct opposite, Psi Judge Cassandra Anderson! In the last primer we met Judge Anderson as she fought against Judge Death, but I wanted to get into some of her solo adventures here. For the record this is jumping the gun a little bit, as we won’t get an Anderson story for a few years in the Megazine, but I like the character a lot, and once she arrives in the Meg she’s there pretty constantly, so might as well cover it!

Stories Discussed:

* Hour of the Wolf* Helios

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Song: Judge Dredd Main Theme by Alan Silvestri