Space Spinner 2000

Space Spinner 2000

Collection 26 – Sláine: Warrior’s Dawn

March 08, 2020

Kiss my axe! It’s the twenty-sixth in our series of Space Spinner 2000 collections! These collections have all of our coverage for a specific character or storyline, all in one place. They’re a great accompaniment to reading collected versions of 2000AD, or to just hear your favorite thrill all in one place.

More than most thrills, Slaine is a story with distinctive eras, easily identified by their artists. This collection has most of the first era, with work by series creator Angela Kincaid (Angela Mills at the time), along with McMahon and Belardinelli. AFter this we’ll be in the time killers era with Glenn Fabry, David Pugh, and Mark Farmer, and we’re soon to enter the Simon Bisley era on the podcast. This early era is interesting because of how low to the ground it is. It’s got a very Conan feel to it, just a barbarian and his sidekick wandering the land, looking for trouble, and I think it can be interesting to compare this callow youth with the more grown up Sláine that we’ll see in the Horned God. I hope you enjoy these early Sláine stories, and my terrible pronunciation of Celtic names!