Sovereign Grace Church - Aberdeen, SD

Sovereign Grace Church - Aberdeen, SD

Latest Episodes

Be Assured
October 09, 2016

1 SAMUEL - A look at the wonderful gift of living life by faith in the goodness and mercy of God.

God's Horrid Silent Abandonment
October 02, 2016

1 SAMUEL - A look at the importance of knowing that there is nothing worse than to be abandoned by God.

Mission Possible
September 25, 2016

Although Christians can be tempted to abort the mission given by God, we have a commander who has supplied the power to carry it out without shame.

Disappointing David
September 18, 2016

1 SAMUEL - A look at what we can learn from both David's successes and failures.

Know the Lord's Presence
September 11, 2016

1 SAMUEL - A look at why our lives must be defined by the presence of God.

God's Restraining Protection
September 04, 2016

1 SAMUEL - A look at hoping in God in all facets of life.

God's Will God's Way
August 28, 2016

1 SAMUEL - A look at trusting God, even when we have the perceived power to carry out what we want.

Listen to the God Who Speaks
August 21, 2016

1 SAMUEL - As we turn to chapter 23, with David still on the run from King Saul, we are reminded of the importance of God's word in all circumstances.

Providence: From Sin to Salvation
August 07, 2016

1 SAMUEL - A look at the wonderful and comforting nature of God's providence, in the life of David on the run from Saul.

Rejoice! And Boast In God
July 31, 2016

A fundamental characteristic of the Christian is a refusal to boast in one's own goodness or works. Instead, we rejoice in God’s mercy, love, and grace.