Southwest Harbor Congregational Church
Latest Episodes
Free to be Fragrant (Romans 12:1-2) - Audio
Southwest Harbor Congregational Church…
A Taste for the Right Yeast (Matthew 12:15-21) - Audio
We take a look at the differences in the gospel of the pharisees and the gospel of Jesus. We see that the ministry of Christ is radically different than the ministry of the pharisees in that Jesus seeks to please God and is gentle while the pharisees, …
Jesus the Great! (Matthew 12:38-45) - Audio
Jesus reproves the pharisees for asking for a sign. He tells them that they will only receive the the sign of Jonah "For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights…
Rest (Matthew 12:1-14) - Audio
How Jesus makes corrections to a legalistic approach to the Sabbath. Telling of how we are to be merciful. …
Fallout Shelter (Matthew 11:16-30) - Audio
Jesus shows a holy frustration with the people he has preached to and compares them to children that aren't satisfied with anything. He pronounces judgment on the cities that remain indifferent to him in spite of all his works. Even so he offers to tak…
A View to Behold (Ephesians 1:15 - 23) - Audio
Paul gives us a wonderful view of the gospel and through that, encourages us to remain steadfast for Christ, even during times of tribulation. We are admonished here also to 'keep the main thing the main thing' and not to think ourselves superior or be…
Doubting Castle (Matthew 11:1-15) - Audio
We find here a passage that shows John the Baptist in a doubtful state. There is some encouragement here seeing that even the strongest of Christians experience times of doubting. However, we are not to stay in the dungeon of doubting but are to rememb…
Swinging our Scythes Side-by-Side Part 3 (Matthew 10:1-42) - Audio
Facing one of the most shaking portions of scripture we hear Christ tell that we are to fear God over man, for God is capable of destroying both body and soul. Yet after such a fearful verse encouragement is given showing that God values his people and…