South Asian Stories

South Asian Stories

Dr. Ranjan Ravaliya - Hindu Priest and Wedding Officiant and her amazing story changing her career at 62!

December 05, 2021


Dr. Ranjan Ravaliya is a Hindu priest and wedding officiant in the New England area. However, she didn’t start this until she was 62 after a long career as Environmental Scientist and a consultant in Sustainable Development for over thirty years!

Ranjan’s desire to learn about the Hindu Vedic philosophy was reignited once more by the constant struggle and confusion I was confronted with when my children, nieces and nephews asked me “Why do we do this ceremony?", “What does it mean?”, during religious events at the temple and at home. Inevitably, these questions were followed by statements such as "I don't believe in that..." or "That sounds outdated...", so she was determined to answer their questions in a scientific and logical manner. I decided to go to Haridwar, India (one of the religious epicenters of India) and focused on learning and understanding the meaning behind Vedic rituals and ceremonies to address these common questions with grounded knowledge and understanding.

This conversation was fascinating - and it taught me it’s never too late to follow your dreams!

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