South Tacoma Assembly of God

South Tacoma Assembly of God

Latest Episodes

Seasons, Time, and Purpose
November 27, 2022

The Christmas season is one often used as a time of giving, but often the gift we give is dependent on who the recipient is. It’s a good thing to follow the season, but we must not allow the season to prevent us from following the Word of God. In any gift

Relationship, Fellowship, Friendship
November 04, 2021

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The Prayer Life of a Believer
July 18, 2021

When we think about prayer as going to fellowship with God, we change our perspective from entering a one-sided conversation to a time of expectation for two-sided fellowship.

Environmental Control Measures: Boldness
June 13, 2021

In this message, the question was asked, “What environmental control measures have I established to meet with God?” This will determine how and what we establish with others. Salvation brings access to authority; the ability to adjust everything according

Environmental Control Measures
June 06, 2021

In this message, Pastor reflected on the actions of Adam, showing us that our lives are all about the decisions we make. Our decision should be to pursue God. We should be looking at how God works us as we receive Him through His Word. God has called us t

Lord, Show Me the Path to My Future
May 30, 2021

Pastor brings to a conclusion the message on vision and our ability to see because of Christ. Three questions have been asked during this series: “Where am I?”, "Where have I been?”, and today he addressed “Where am I going?”. He encourages us to make th

Keep Asking, Seeking, and Knocking
May 23, 2021

Pastor continued his message on vision. He encouraged us to recognize that life is full of vision when we are in God. God has given those who believe the ability to have an advantage by seeing. When we can see, we will reach forward, believing that what

Visions and Ideas
May 16, 2021

In this message, Pastor Reed encourages us to know that our visions and ideas reflect our ability to see. When your vision comes from God, He will provide you what is necessary for that vision or idea to bear fruit. Pastor provided as an example his v