Sounds of the Trail

Episode 28 – This Is Why We Do It
IMPORTANT: If you are an Appalachian Trail Class of 2016 hiker (thru-, section, or otherwise), please listen right away! We need your help!
As we get ready for thru-hiking season, we take a minute to remember why we want to do this. In this episode we hear from special guest Wired as she tells us what she has gotten out of thru-hiking and what about it has motivated her to keep hiking (over 10,000 miles by foot and counting).
Then we get to hear from our friends at the Dirtbag Diaries, as they share with us the story of a hiker named Paul, and why they need our help.
If you are interested in helping Paul, go to Paul's Boots and see how you can help out. The Dirtbag Diaries is trying to find all their volunteers by February 17, 2016, and it's coming up fast.
When you're done with that, take a minute to check out Wired's blog: Walking With Wired.
Music by Baby Gramps.