Sounds True: Producer’s PickSounds True

Brené Brown: The Reckoning
Brené Brown is a nationally renowned author, speaker, and research professor with the University of Houston who has spent the past decade studying the confluence of vulnerability, courage, shame, and resilience. Her latest offering from Sounds True is the audio program Rising Strong as a Spiritual Practice, in which Brené considers the effect of spiritual belief upon our ability to bounce back from adversity. Sounds True producer Kriste Peoples selected this week's Producer's Pick segment on the necessity of getting curious about our emotions. Relating a story from the live recording of this program, Kriste says, "Brené polled the audience to find out how many people had been raised to work with their emotions. I exchanged a knowing glance with my neighbor and we broke out laughing with the rest of the room. It seemed almost none of us got that training as kids." Here Brené offers a portal into interrogating and understanding the emotions that underlie our everyday behaviors, both good and ill.