Sounds True: Producer’s PickSounds True

Tara Brach: Intimacy with Life
Tara Brach is a renowned meditation instructor, the founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington, and the author of True Refuge and Radical Acceptance. With Sounds True, Tara has most recently published Nourishing Intimacy: Cultivating Trust, Understanding, and Love in All Our Relationships. In this excerpt from that audio program, Tara discusses those revelatory moments in which we realize that we are not actually separate and that all beings share a fundamental connection. Sounds True producer Steve Lessard edited Nourishing Intimacy and had this to say about this week's selection: "In her uniquely beautiful way, Tara Brach describes this idea of connectedness as being 'intimate with life.' She discusses our growth as individuals, and as a culture, in evolutionary terms—that we are wired for connection, and offers that we can train our brains out of our false ideas of separateness and into greater and greater connection."