Sounds True: Producer’s PickSounds True

Sounds True: Producer’s PickSounds True

Pema Chödrön: Building Discomfort Resilience

October 19, 2016

Pema Chödrön is one of the most beloved American-born teachers of Buddhism in the West. In the words of Sounds True producer Mitchell Clute, "I always love editing Ani Pema's talks because her kindness and heartfelt connection come through in everything she says." This week, Mitchell chose an excerpt from Pema's audio program Making Friends with Your Mind: The Key to Contentment, which examines three fundamental qualities of the self and how habitual mental patterns can obscure them. According to Pema Chödrön, anyone can tap into these foundational aspects at any time—even while in the grasp of strong emotions. Though it can be difficult, the willingness to remain with challenging feelings is the first key to unlocking a greater realm of wisdom and happiness.