The Soul Unleashed With Mike Nicholas

The Soul Unleashed With Mike Nicholas

#180 Letting Go: An Emotional Journey to Spiritual Freedom

December 19, 2024

In this heartfelt episode of The Soul Unleashed, I reflect on the profound emotional journey of letting go as I prepare to leave the home my family and I have cherished for over 22 years. From uncovering treasured memories to navigating the challenges of releasing attachments, I explore how letting go can lead to spiritual freedom. I also share meaningful insights, including touching moments with my granddaughter and spiritual messages from loved ones in spirit. This episode is a tribute to love, loss, and the transformative power of moving forward.

Kondo, Marie. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. 2014.

Dr. Sharnael. The Science of Miracles: Re-Membering the Frequency of Love. Swiftfire Publishing, 2019.

My podcasts target left-brained types like me, whose rigid view of life restricts us from considering things outside the tightly organized spiritual paradigm we either grew up with or built for ourselves.

Follow my podcasts to discuss serious topics like grief, human suffering, prayer, religion, and spiritual practices.  I also cover things that I used to consider craziness or “woo-woo” such as: meditation, manifestation, spiritualism, spiritual awakening, reincarnation, past-life regression, the channeling of spirits and aliens (seriously…), soul groups, astrology, and even Chinese fortune cookies!




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