The Soul Unleashed With Mike Nicholas

The Soul Unleashed With Mike Nicholas

#179 Totem Animals, Good or Bad?

November 27, 2024

In this episode of The Soul Unleashed, host Mike Nicholas invites listeners to explore the profound and personal journey of discovering spirituality in childhood. Reflecting on his own early experiences in a Catholic school, Mike recounts vivid memories of Holy Week and lessons on faith, angels, and the sacred. He delves into modern interpretations of spirituality, from the concept of totem animals in indigenous traditions to the transformative lessons embedded in pop culture phenomena like Pokémon

My podcasts target left-brained types like me, whose rigid view of life restricts us from considering things outside the tightly organized spiritual paradigm we either grew up with or built for ourselves.

Follow my podcasts to discuss serious topics like grief, human suffering, prayer, religion, and spiritual practices.  I also cover things that I used to consider craziness or “woo-woo” such as: meditation, manifestation, spiritualism, spiritual awakening, reincarnation, past-life regression, the channeling of spirits and aliens (seriously…), soul groups, astrology, and even Chinese fortune cookies!




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