

Latest Episodes

EP7: Obligatory Relationships + Boundaries
May 14, 2019

Sometimes we stick around for relationships that don't serve us out of obligation. Here I talk about my experience and the boundaries I had to put up to practice compassion for myself.  Music by: Bakoda

EP6: Vulnerability & Why I was missing out
April 06, 2019

Sometimes we all need time off, but it is hard to admit that sometimes. Keeping it real with y'all to talk about why I've been out for a few weeks and a few developments and learnings through my personal journey.  Giveaway: Click Here Music by: Bakoda la.

EP5: Taking care of the inner critic
March 05, 2019

You know that annoying voice inside your head that criticizes everything you do... and don't do... the inner critic? It can be loud and bring you down, but here I talk about 7 steps to handling your inner critic. Yes, there's a way out of that mess!  Mus.

EP4: The Power of Listening to your FEELS
February 26, 2019

Are you more of a thinker or feeler? If you're anything like me, trying to get "ahead" in this world, you probably suppressed your feelings in favor of the "rational" thinking side. Here's my story of how I began leading life with more FEELS.  Music by: .

EP3: What having a cold taught me about mindfulness
February 18, 2019

After being sick for nearly two weeks straight, I am BOUNCING BACK to let y'all know what I realized the universe was trying to tell me through my cold! Take some notes, y'all. What I tell you here can help you or a friend next time you catch a cold! Mus.

EP2: What is getting in the way of your self-care?!
February 05, 2019

Self-care is a word that's thrown around so much, you gotta have it. And if you don't have it, you best work on it! But getting on that self-care game ain't as simple as it seems. Figure out what's getting in the way of your self-care and how to overcome.

EP1: The Undercover Lightworker
January 29, 2019

Are you an undercover lightworker? What's getting in the way of you shining your light? Are you ready to share your unique gifts with the world? Let's drink tea over this!Music by: BakodaThought Catalog Article: