Soul of Islam Radio

Soul of Islam Radio


November 08, 2016

Joy, although at times elusive, is in fact our natural state. Yet often, as we grow, mature, develop and are programmed in and by the world, we progressively lose this original and natural state of joy, and so increasingly succumb to fear, stress, anxiety, worry and unhappiness.
Yet by learning how to transcend negative emotions by consciously choosing joy, we begin to reclaim personal power and are able to exercise free will. Thus do we rewire our brains for happiness and peace, and learn to live in a state of Islam, increasingly developing true and real belief, or iman.
In this episode of Soul of Islam Radio, you will learn about the importance of joy in the life of the believer, and how the cultivation of joy is an essential aspect of the spiritual path. You will also learn how to choose and maintain joy even when circumstances and environments are not supportive, and how to deepen your connection with the Divine Presence of Allah Almighty, and how to draw your spiritual strength and support from within.
Also covered in Joy are the necessity of spiritual surrender, the ability to tune into and live in the present moment, the importance of transcending time, shifting into heart-based consciousness, how to transcend negativity and your environment, the way of the spiritual warrior, the law of attraction and much more.
Listen: Joy
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Heal Your Heart and Soul
True peace, happiness and joy come from within. Learn how you can root and anchor yourself within, establish and strengthen your connection with the Divine Presence, and increasingly live from a place of joy, love, happiness and gratitude. Become in-dependent.
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