Soul of Islam Radio

Soul of Islam Radio

Overcoming Addictions Through Spirituality

September 28, 2015

In this episode of Soul of Islam Radio, Ahmad and Ihsan will touch upon a very controversial topic in both the secular and spiritual realms. It is a reality that all of humanity is suffering from and it is known as addiction.
Society, culture, and the way of the world in the 21st century are all conducive to the development of addictive behaviors. The world is constantly bombarding the human mind and heart to place shackles on the weak souls. These shackles manifest in addictions of various forms, such as: drugs, alcoholism, sex, pornography, video games, gambling, etc.
The search for a real solution to this soul-draining problem is a duty upon every human soul. Transcending addictions is a possibility and the tools to get there are accessible for those who seek it.
This episode will be an attempt to chip away the walls that addiction hides behind. With the inspiration of The One, we will reflect on the essence of addiction itself and how to take the first steps in overcoming addiction altogether.
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