Soul of Islam Radio

Soul of Islam Radio

As-Salam and The Way of Peace

April 03, 2015

In this special episode of Soul of Islam Radio (, Ahmad ( and Ihsan ( will attempt to uncover the realities behind the Divine attribute known as As-Salam or The Peace.

You will learn the deeper and subtle meanings of this Divine quality and its connection with the spiritual greeting of As-Salamu Alaykum.

You will also learn about root word S-L-M, its relation to As-Salam, and its connection between Allah's realm and the physical plane.

You will learn about the nature behind the states of peace and surrender as well how the Divine quality of As-Salam forms the foundation of Islam.

Lastly, you will get a taste of some of the different manifestations of As-Salam in the Holy Qur'an.

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