Soul of Islam Radio

Soul of Islam Radio

The Mission and Message of Jesus

December 19, 2014

In this episode of Soul of Islam Radio, Ahmad and Ihsan discuss the spiritual significance of Prophet Jesus (pbuh) in Islam, the essence of his mission and message, and his role as the Messiah.

You’ll learn about the manifestation of Jesus (pbuh) in the physical world, the essence of his message to his people, and the significance and connection of his selflessness to his miracles and spiritual station.

Also discussed, is the importance of the return to the spiritual dimension, as well as the relevancy of the message of Jesus (pbuh) in the modern world.

Lastly, you will learn about the significance and relationship between the Antichrist and Jesus (pbuh) with his role as the Messiah, as well as the deeper meaning behind what those two opposing forces represent as the world draws nearer to the end of times.

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