Soul Compass

Soul Compass

How To Boost Your Impact Through Servant Leadership with Alexis Dean

March 24, 2020

The value of a human being can never be underestimated.  Imagine what it would be like to go to work and really be seen, really be understood and valued as an individual with purpose, not just as an employee.  What if you could run your business powered by a team of people who invest their heart and soul into what you do because they feel empowered to be all they can be?

If we think of leadership as being at the top of the ladder, it can quickly lead to a very isolating and emotionally demanding place. And for those at the bottom, they can often feel forgotten and undervalued.  No wonder so many businesses are struggling. Perhaps that’s not the only way to do it. Perhaps the age-old triangle can be flipped and the employer can start working for the employee, and that’s just what we’ll be discussing on today’s episode.

Alexis Dean is the founder of Dovetail Summit, a global community of women who work together to empower fellow female entrepreneurs.  She has introduced me to so many amazing people through her incredible network, many of whom I have had on the Soul Compass podcast already.

Alexis started her journey as an entrepreneur in the corporate training and leadership space.  From facilitating events, running corporate team building to management roles and starting businesses, she was doing it all.  But no one can do it alone and that’s when Dovetail was established. Struggling with the demanding nature of running her own business, working 24/7 and coming under financial and emotional pressures, Alexis realised the need to have a community of entrepreneurs alongside her.  People who she could share with, learn from and grow with.

It’s a great honour to have Alexis with us today as we talk about Servant Leadership and how changing your mindset from “you work for me” to “I work for you” is crucial to running a successful and flourishing business.  The pillars of Servant Leadership are invaluable and will help you to run a business that doesn’t just survive, it thrives.

What does it mean to be a good leader? How do you let go and allow your team to work autonomously, enabling their imagination and ideas to flourish? In this era of technology and global community, it’s imperative to value the individual.  It’s imperative that we value the human.