Soul Compass

Soul Compass

Using Rejections As Your Lessons with Tahani Aburaneh

November 26, 2019

How have you added value to someone’s life today? Whether it be a friend, a colleague, or a client, have you provided them with something that cost you nothing, but provided value to their life in some way. This is a noble goal. To feel like you have information to share and you can be of service to others, you first have to look inwards and assess where your strengths are. Can you be of service to others in a meaningful way? Honestly, no matter what your skillset, there is always someone that you can help in some way. There is always a way to make someone else’s day a little brighter.

My guest today, Tahani Aburaneh lives and breathes this ethos. From the very moment she was born, Tahani had to overcome such adversity. She was born in a refugee camp in the Middle East, was arranged to be married at just 15 years old and was forced to move to Canada as a result. Then after 22 years of marriage, Tahani found herself dealing with a divorce and had two young kids to take care of.

Instead of wallowing in self-pity and negative thoughts, Tahani learned how to hustle her butt off and has built an empire on real estate investing. She focuses on helping females achieve financial freedom and the importance of educating themselves to ensure they are never reliant on anyone other than themselves.

Tahani is the brains behind the Females in Real Estate (FIRE) Conference and runs her business, Tahani International. Check out her websites for more info.

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