The Gospel of Repentance Ministries

The Gospel of Repentance Ministries

Latest Episodes

Conditional Election
September 10, 2017

Conditional election is the belief that looks down the corridor of time to see what man will do regarding the gospel. And based on what God foresees in man before he is born, decides to choose him for salvation. In other words,

Slain in the “Spirit?”
September 03, 2017

What is the phenomenon called slain in the spirit? Who are the main advocates of it? Are there examples of this practice in the Bible? Are people getting healed of Aids or Cancer by these so called faith healers?

Partial Depravity
September 03, 2017

What does partial depravity mean? Some believe it means that man is corrupt, but he has some vestige of goodness and virtue that he can incline himself to believe in the gospel without divine intervention. In other words, man is bad,

In response to Hurricane Harvey
September 03, 2017

How should we view the tragedy that has occurred in Houston, TX with Hurricane Harvey? Could God have prevented it? If so, why didn't he?

Everyone will inherit Eternal Life
August 31, 2017

Does this mean that Universalism is true if all inherit Eternal Life? Please tune in to find out what is meant by Eternal Life in this episode. Link to blog article is also listed below. - http://gospelofrepentance.blogspot.

Pleading the blood of Jesus
August 29, 2017

Is this phrase Biblical? Does this mantra obligate or compel God to grant a  person what they are requesting? What was/is the purpose of the blood? Does pleading the blood give a person some sort of "turbo boost" in their prayer life?

Let’s discuss Baptism
August 27, 2017

How many baptisms are there in scripture? What is the significance of water baptism and does it save us? This episode will discuss what baptism means and which one saves us.

Perseverance of the Saints
August 27, 2017

This is the 5th point in the 5 points of Calvinism. Theologians teach that this doctrine means that who God saves, he will give them the ability to remain faithful to him throughout their life as a believer. Although our faith will be tested mightily,

Irresistible Grace
August 27, 2017

This is the 4th point in the 5 points of Calvinism. There are those that teach that Irresistible Grace is the doctrine that teaches God saves some against their will. Is that what is meant when theologians use the phrase, Irresistible Grace?

Justice, Mercy & Grace
August 20, 2017

It is very important that we define and understand these characteristics of God and how they apply to us as human beings. Each one is explained from God's perspective in this episode.
