The Gospel of Repentance Ministries

The Gospel of Repentance Ministries

Latest Episodes

Limited Atonement
August 20, 2017

This is the third point in the five points of Calvinism (Created by the opponents of John Calvin). Limited Atonement is the teaching that Christ only died for the elect or chosen before the foundation of the world and not everyone that will ever live.

August 15, 2017

The blessed promise to all believers when they die physically. We will all be made immortal, no longer subject to death and corruption.

Unconditional Election
August 12, 2017

This is the second letter in the acrostic "TULIP"; dealing with the five point of Calvinism - also commonly called the Doctrines of Grace. As an fyi, John Calvin (1509-1564) did not come with these five points. They were invented after his death.

Total Depravity
August 12, 2017

This episode will be the first in a series of five discussions dealing with what is commonly called the "five points of Calvinism". The five points of Calvinism is represented by the acronym  T.U.L.I.P. These are the five points: -

Salvation OT & NT
August 08, 2017

Was there a difference in the requirements for saints in the Old Testament vs those in the New Testament regarding salvation and/or justification? How were OT saints saved if they could not believe in Christ since he had not come and died during their ...

August 05, 2017

Does sanctification mean one can be sinless? Is sanctification something God does alone, or does the believer participate? How is sanctification different from justification? Is it progressive - can we increase in sanctification?

The New Birth
August 05, 2017

What did Jesus mean when He told Nicodemus, "You must be born again". Does the new birth precede faith, or is it the other way around?

The Choosing of Israel
August 02, 2017

Why did God choose Israel over the other existing nations during that time in Biblical history? Was there something more attractive about them that compelled God to choose them as His elect people? Has God abandoned them due to their persistent disobed...

Who is the Holy Spirit?
July 30, 2017

The Holy Spirit is often caricatured as something that makes someone do strange things in a worship service. Is the Holy Spirit a force, or something we can catch? Or is the Holy Spirit a ghost or a feeling that comes over us when we are happy and then...

What is Pelagianism?
July 30, 2017

This belief system was developed in the late 4th and early 5th centuries of Church history. It was invented by a monk by the name of Pelagius - contemporary and an opponent of Augustine. He taught that the sin of Adam and Eve did not affect the rest of...
