The Gospel of Repentance Ministries

The Gospel of Repentance Ministries

Latest Episodes

We need Humility!
October 01, 2017

The prophet Daniel humbled himself regarding the nation Israel due to its sins. With all that is currently happening in the U.S. and the world, we need to humble ourselves as well. Tune in and read the blog article I wrote regarding humility. -

Are Christians Hypocrites?
October 01, 2017

Wolf in sheep's clothing. Charlatans, hucksters. Modern day Pharisee. These are all hypocrites. Are we as Christians running the unsaved away from the doors of the Church because of our duplicitous living? Tune in to find out more regarding this critic...

Unlimited vs. Limited Atonement
September 29, 2017

The atonement is the sacrifice that Christ made on the cross so that those who believe in this vicarious act of love by the Son would receive forgiveness of all their sins and be granted eternal life. The big debate regarding the atonement discussed am...

Can you know if you are among the elect?
September 29, 2017

The doctrine of election is a teaching that some in the Church has admitted to hating. Why? Because many believe that God is being unfair if He is choosing some by passing over others. Whether one loves or hates the doctrine,

Can we have true Joy?
September 22, 2017

Is true happiness we all seek obtainable in this life? Or is joy merely a feeling that comes and goes based on emotion? How does the Bible describe true joy?

The loss of Salvation
September 17, 2017

The 5th and final point regarding the five points of Arminianism. This is the most controversial because it deals with a person's eternal destiny. There are many in the evangelical world that believe salvation can be lost.

Resistible Grace
September 17, 2017

Can God's grace be resisted? There are many that would say yes. Others would say no. If God's grace cannot be resisted, is it a violation of our wills? Or does God have to overcome our wills and pour his love into us in such a powerful way so that his ...

Unlimited Atonement
September 17, 2017

This doctrine teaches that when Jesus died, he paid the price for all sins for all people that will ever live. If this is true, then he knowingly shed his blood for those he knew would never believe in him and perish to pay the penalty for their own si...

September 12, 2017

The word Armageddon appears only once in the Bible - Revelation 16:16. What does the term mean? Find out in this episode. My blog article also describes the origin of the word along with the event surrounding it. - http://gospelofrepentance.blogspot.

Does Jesus Advocate Self Mutilation?
September 10, 2017

Jesus commanded us that if our hand or eye causes us to sin to cut it off (our hand), or pluck it out (our eye) and cast them away from us so that they do not cause us to perish. Was he advocating self-mutilation?
