Sonic Realms
Ep.30 The Heavy Price
PREVIOUSLY: Following an impulsive Rabrat, Jet, Dreger, and Curt returned to the Blood Kings chopshop, only to find more pissed off Orcs inside. An epic battle followed, which sent Jet narrowly escaping within an inch of her life. Curt was caught in the middle of the maelstrom of violence, getting grappled, stabbed, pistol whipped, and shot. Rabrat was shot to death in the gutter, while Dreger, blind with rage at the possibility of Curt dying, fought hand-to-hand with the final surviving Orcs, getting stabbed in the back in the process. Hez arrived shortly after Dreger landed the final blow, emerging as the sole, bloody survivor of the battle. They put Curts body into the trunk of Dregers car and made a getaway just as the police arrived.