Sonic Realms

Sonic Realms

Ep.26 Loose Ends

August 25, 2019

PREVIOUSLY: Jet, Curt, Hez, and Dreger all agreed to take out a chop shop full of orcs (The Blood Kings) at the behest of Jets contact, Rabrat. The chop shop is occupied by a small orc gang known as The Blood Kings, and is on the fringes of Rabrats gangs territory. Upon surveillance of the chop shop, Jet overheard talk of a midnight drug deal happening at the docks at midnight. When she shared this information, everyone decided it would be prudent to take out half of the Blood Kings at the docks via an ambush, collect the drugs for themselves, then hit the chop shop that very same night. In the ensuing ambush, the team took out all of the orcs and the two others who came to do the deal, Medallion and King Lear, who brought two miniature tank-like drones on a raft. Now the only enemy remaining is Taz, who has received magical acid-based attacks, spirit attacks, and bullet wounds. He was tough to take down, but he now lies at the edge of the dock, bloody and barely clinging to life. Dreger stands over him, gun pointed at his head.

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© Paul Greenleaf 2019