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Song Talk Radio | Songwriting Tips | Lyrics | Arranging | Live Feedback

Our Listeners’ Songs – what you are writing

October 20, 2020

This week SongTalk featured a few songs from our listeners. And it was loads of fun.
We chose three of our listeners’ songs to take a closer listen to.
Stuart Cook – near Manchester, England penned a delightful song inspired by the view from a hill near his home. Earthbound, his song has a traditional feel with a beautiful vocal melody.
Matt Oshin – a singer/songwriter/surfer influenced by the Florida coastal sounds has created a very honest and moving song about life without a father.
Scott Westerman – a postman in South Yorkshire England, presented us with a wonderfully produced tune that deals with the difficulty of starting over after a heartbreak.
These compositions led to many good discussions like:

* when to stick to familiar structures and when to break the rules
* how to bring focus to lyrics without losing universal appeal
* writing for yourself versus writing for an audience
* how to get started on a song and when to finish