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Song Talk Radio | Songwriting Tips | Lyrics | Arranging | Live Feedback

Writing modern R&B with Rosh Grove

September 22, 2020

Rosh Grove is a R&B singer and songwriter from Toronto, ON, Canada. As an artist, Grove is a dreamer, believer and driven to be an achiever of success in the music industry. His music tells his story of perseverance and overcoming adversity regardless of circumstances. Grove is driven by passion for the art, and telling stories of heartbreak and personal struggles through insightful lyricism and pop influenced production. Grove is different from most r&b and hip-hop artists. He aims to create music that is relatable, incorporating melodic sounds with a message. From working as an independent artist to collaborating with Toronto-based artists and producers, including KYNGS and Bryan “BC” Cockett, Rosh wants to craft his sound to represent the city he’s from and to help keep Toronto’s music scene on the map.
We talked about:

* What is means to make “modern” music
* What’s the “Toronto” sound?
* Writing songs from titles
* The differences between R&B and Hip-Hop and Rap
* Introducing nuance into relationship/love songs

Download the lyrics to Gotta Leh Go and follow along.