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Song Talk Radio | Songwriting Tips | Lyrics | Arranging | Live Feedback

How to write a good love song with Jesse Parent

June 28, 2020

Kitchener, Ontario-based singer-songwriter and storyteller Jesse Parent talks about the danger of his song “For a Moment” becoming a conventional love song, and how to avoid that!
We talked about:

* How to do banter well when you’re performing
* How Jesse went from one-draft songs to editing all the songs
* “Write with your heart, edit with your brain”
* How easy it is to let your songs devolve into love songs, if you’re not careful
* How to play harmonica and guitar at the same time well (hint: if you can sing and play guitar, you can do this)
* Writing to an unconventional song structure
* Taylor guitars

Download the lyrics to For a Moment to follow along.