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Brian Sasaki Returns: Exploring Olde Timey Jazz Swing

January 19, 2016

Brian Sasaki, a musical force of nature, swept into our little studio with three band members (Michael on bass, Stanley on violin, and Kyle on drums) and really rocked the joint. His energetic and all-out-there tunes hook you right from the start. Look Out the Window featured Brian on guitar and kazoo (check out Tomasz Sacha on YouTube, says Brian).

Favourite lyric - "Anything's a sundial if you leave it in the sun for a while." On Life's a Pest Brian added a very convincing mouth trumpet that helped lift the darker lyrics into the light (e.g "Life is just a pest... no one goes untested, unmolested by this mess ...").

That's Alright had a 30's jazz/blues feel with more of Brian's off-the-wall lyrics including "I clean my ears, I blow my nose, I trim the nails on my fingers and toes..." that was loved unanimously. If there is one word for the songs of Brian Sasaki's song writing, it's "entertaining". Have a listen!

Some stuff we talked about:

* Tomasz Sacha on YouTube
* Download Brian Sasaki and the Scuffed Souls Lyrics
* Listener Question: Getting started? How do you choose what notes the bass plays?
* Suggester chord suggesting iPhone APP
* Chord extensions