Song and a Chat

Song and a Chat

The Smallest Of Dreams

November 30, 2024

Episode #226: The Smallest Of Dreams   (Song starts at 3:47)

I found a quite extensive amount of audio of me composing this one. So I’ve included some of it on this episode. As I listened back to the process of the smallest of dreams coming together, I found it fascinating.

Often songs come together quickly for me. This one was different. Each time I picked the song up, and gently sung it through, it seemed a new bit revealed itself each time. Even if what I was playing didn’t seem to be heading in the right direction, something would kick in and give me just enough to keep going.

The smallest of dreams started out life as a snippet of a waltz piece on the piano, played in a completely different key.

This was the moment where I recorded what I’d come up with. It was little more than just a couple of bars of not much, but it had a certain feeling about it. Over the years, I’ve learned to recognise potential in a piece of music.

From there it was like kneading a piece of clay, keeping a sense of humour and being true to the feeling that came through when I recorded the initial piece of piano playing.

‘As we play see the day make the way for the smallest of dreams’.

It seems the creative process of producing art and music and writing is a parallel to life itself.

Play is a key element to composing. Just being free to see where the melody or chords will take you.

It’s the same, as we go through our weeks: just remembering to have fun and keep moving. If we go along steadily and not rush, it seems little extra bits seem to come to us just at the right time.

And that’s how it is with song writing, it’s about being on the breathe, being aware, asking questions , keeping moving and rolling with the new phrases – both musical and lyrical  – and you see where it takes you.

Ok here we go. This is a very gentle ballad. With a nice 3 4 lilt. It’s the last song on the new album River Walking by myself and Paul Dredge, (streaming now). You can hear the actual album track on this episode.

The lyrics are on my blog , plus links to more of my music and art.

I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I enjoyed producing it,