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Byte Sized Biographies…

The Untold Story of Crime Boss and Sixteen-Year Federal Fugitive, James (Whitey) Bulger (Volume 5, Episode 10) Part Two

February 07, 2023

For twenty years, Whitey Bulger terrorized Boston with the full collusion of the FBI.  On the run for sixteen years, he was eventually arrested on June 22, 2011. Litif got off with this stern warning but then made the mistake of telling Bulger that he was going to murder his bookmaker partner, a last straw.  On April, he was invited to the Triple O’s where Bulger stabbed him repeatedly with an ice pick and Steve … Continue reading The Untold Story of Crime Boss and Sixteen-Year Federal Fugitive, James (Whitey) Bulger (Volume 5, Episode 10) Part Two →