

Latest Episodes

Ep. 76- Jessica Smith
April 30, 2017

This interview is with Jessica Smith.  Listen as we talk about her administration ninja skills, cancer, living in the UK, the refugee crisis, working for Common Grace and why the heck she believes in Jesus.

Ep. 75- Phil Morris
April 14, 2017

This interview is with Phil Morris.  Listen as we talk about his journey to becoming the CEO of International Nepal Fellowship and his reasons for #whytheheckbelieveinJesus.

Ep. 74- Carolyn Kitto
March 31, 2017

This interview is with Carolyn Kitto.  Listen as we talk about cancer, depression, spiritual attacks, human trafficking and how she can possibly follow God, after all she has been through and seen.

Ep. 73 – Simon Elliot
March 14, 2017

This interview is with Simon Elliot. Listen as we talk about bike riding, being a writer and designer of GLOBE, creating the church plant - The Big Table and how God captivated him at such a young age.

Ep. 72- Eloise Wellings
February 28, 2017

This interview is with Eloise Wellings.  Listen as we talk about her journey to faith, becoming an Olympian, her struggle with eating disorders and becoming the founding Director of the Love Mercy Foundation.

Ep. 71- Dominic Steele
February 14, 2017

This interview is with Dominic Steele.  Listen as we talk about his journey to faith, being a christian in the media, his role as pastor of Village Church and being a regular guest host on 2CH Sunday Night program.

Ep. 70 – Nik and Ruth Ripken
December 14, 2016

This interview is with Nik and Ruth Ripken. Listen as they take us on a personal, real life journey that led them walking with followers of Christ in Kentucky to war- torn Somalia. What a wonderful testimony to end the season!

Ep. 69- Ben McEachen
November 30, 2016

This interview is with Ben McEachen.  Listen as we talk about bathers, watching films for a job, divorce and why the heck he believes in God. ...

Ep. 68- Leonie Quayle
November 14, 2016

This interview is with Leonie Quayle.  She is the author of “Rwanda Speak, I’m Listening”.  Listen as we talk about the journey God has taken her on with non-for profits and despite the injustices she has seen,

Ep. 67- Mike Frost
October 31, 2016

This interview is with Mike Frost.  Listen as we talk about becoming a teacher, moving to the country, bonfires, ministry, social media and much more. ...