Solopreneur Success Stories
001: Solopreneur Success Story - Marisa Meisters, WorldwideXplorer
Marisa Meisters, WorldwideXplorer
Welcome to Episode 1 of our new solopreneur success series. We're joined by travel expert Marisa Meisters, who made the leap to full-time solopreneurship in 2014.
Marisa shares how she moved from a career in IT to follow her true passion: exotic travel. After starting part-time, Marisa eventually realized that if she wanted to grow her business, she would have to quit her full-time job and devote herself to her company.
Solopreneur success topics we cover in this episode include:
* Finding your passion
* Getting the support you need
* Unexpected benefits of being a solopreneur
Learn more about Marisa and her company at:
Phone: +1-678-243-0080
Skype: WorldwideXplorer
Twitter: @WorldwideXplore